Thursday 13 June 2013

Corn Tonic Soup (玉米滋补汤)

材料1 (洗净, 切段)
玉米 : 3 – 4条 Corn
红萝卜 : 2条 Carrots

枸杞子 : 15 – 30g Wolfberries
玉竹 : 30g P. odoratum

鸡肉/排骨 : 200 – 300g (川烫过) chkn meat/pork ribs (washed and scalded)


1) 枸杞子, 玉竹洗净, 用水浸泡30分钟
Wash ingredients (2), then soak in water for abt 30mins

2) 加入玉米, 红萝卜和鸡肉, 大火煮开后, 转小火煮2 – 3 小时, 加入少许盐即可
Add rest of d ingredients, bring to boil be4 switching to low heat for 2-3hrs. Add salt if desired.

有滋补强壮, 健脾开胃的功效
There has strengthening and nourishing effect on the spleen, efficacy in whetting/increase one’s appetite.

可日常饮用, 不燥不滞
Can be taken daily, it’s not dry/parched or sluggish

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